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Valf Industry Inc.


Valf Industry Inc.


VALF Sanayii A.Ş. started its first production with E.C.A. brand within E.C.A Presdöküm Sanayii in 1957.  By the end of 1960s,  growing brand awareness of E.C.A valves had spread throughout Turkey and the brand became the leader of the sector.

ELGİNKAN COMMUNITY established VALF A.Ş. in 1970 in order to respond to the rapid increase of valve demand.

First production was performed with 28 people in the factory, which was the first factory established in Manisa and was built in 1970 on a plot of 4.380 m2 in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone.  Today 545 people are working within VALF Sanayii A.Ş. and manufacturing of almost 5 thousand types of water and gas valves and fittings are carried out in 25.100 m² facility.

All activities in VALF Sanayii A.Ş. are performed quality oriented.  Serving the high quality valve demand of domestic and foreign markets with its wide product range and high production capacity, the company follows the developments in the sector closely by setting out from the principle of constant development.  VALF Sanayii A.Ş. believes that quality is the most important competitive weapon of companies willing to become a permanent global company. In this direction, all processes of purchasing, production, marketing, sales and delivery starting from design focus on customer satisfaction. VALF Sanayii A.Ş. has important contribution to the quality image of the  E.C.A. brand it has today.

VALF Sanayii A.Ş. certifies its quality with TSE and TSEK certificates it has received in line with the related Turkish standards, along with receiving CE Certificate for its products within the scope of European Union directives. Moreover it has the capacity to produce in line with all international standards such as  KIWA (Netherlands), UL (United States of America), VDE (Germany), GOST-R (Russia), ukr-SEPRO (Ukraine),TUV(Germany, IMQ(Italy), ICIM (Italy), DVGW (Germany) and exports to many countries in the world like USA, Netherlands, England, Israel, Romania, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Turkic Republics, Middle Eastern and North Africa.

It pays ultimate attention in health and safety programs, assesses risks of all activities and takes precautions for safety. OHSAS 18001 Work Health and Safety Management System Certificate received in April 2007.

With over 40 years of experience, VALF Sanayii A.Ş. aims to become one of the leader manufacturers of the industry not only in Turkey but also in the world markets. Thus, Company is forming long term targets and strategies with this vision and makes its investments for capacity increase, renewal and modernization towards the target markets.

Invest in innovation is the main source of motivation in Valf Sanayi A.Ş., stepping forward among its rivals with the values such as corporate culture, knowledge, human resources and customer orientation.   VALF, which has always offered product and service with this mentality since 1957, becomes the top manufacturer not only in water installation sector but also in many channels with intermediate product design towards LPG; natural gas, heating and cooling sectors and industry.

E.C.A. Mobile

Elmor Dijital