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Established in İstanbul-Maltepe in 1969, ELBA started its operations with production of alloy aluminium pressure die casting and zamak parts demanded by the automotive industry. Including the pressure die casting aluminium radiator and alloy aluminium rim in its product range, the company started panel radiator production with E.C.A. branded semi-automatic welding lines in 1st section of Manisa Organized Industrial Zone in 1990. Having its technology renewed by 2001, ELBA deactivated its old lines and commissioned its fully automatic and advanced technology 1st Welding Line with a capacity of 550.000 meter/year; later it shifted to production of new design panel radiator which has higher thermal efficiency and more aesthetic design. 2nd Welding Line with a capacity of 612.000 meter/ year was also commissioned in 2003 in line with increasing demand and production capacity was increased up to 1.224.000 meter/year.

With the investment of the 3rd Welding Line with a capacity of 1.224.000 meters/ year established in a new plant in the 3rd Section of Manisa Organized Industrial Zone in 2005, annual capacity was increased up to 2.448.000 meter/year. Over the years, ELBA constantly self-renewed and invested 4th Production line in 2013 and the first mega line of Turkey has been established as the 5th Production line in 2017, which reached the biggest capacity in Turkey. ELBA Inc. , which has 5 fully automatic production lines with 5,2 million meter/ year, uses the installed capacity with full efficiency.


In 2007, Elba established R&D department to implement the innovative ideas in the panle radiator design.

Many Projects with the support of TÜBİTAK- TEYBED were realized in the scope of efficiency increase of the radiators.

ELBA continues to work on new R&D projects. Along with innovations, 6 of TUBITAK-TEYDEB projects completed with 43 patents registered in a very short time, thus ELBA started to lead the market.

In the scope of the first project , thermal capacity testing laboratory approved by TSE as a subcontractor laboratory was established according to EN 442-2 Radiator and Convector Standard and began to serve. As a result of R&D studies, Turkey's first vertically channelized vertical panel radiator has been included in its product range with new investments.


ELBA is one of the leading companies in panel radiator production in Turkey with its advanced technology factories in two different settlements, on a closed area of 49.774 m2 and a total area of 83.000 m². By the next 10 years, ELBA aims to become a far more important manufacturer in the world panel radiator market with investments both locally and internationally.

High thermal capacity products of better quality, fast and solution oriented customer care, innovative R&D departmant, strong service network, compliance with all legal regulations and transparent production prove ELBA’ s superiorty in the sector.

E.C.A. Mobile

Elmor Dijital