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E.C.A. is one of the three founding and financing organizations within the Elginkan Community. Moreover, it has partnership with other 16 companies within the Community.

Establishing manufacturing facilities which exports and imports any kind of raw and semi-product material or imported property.

Area of Activity

- Possessing the property rights and privileges of factory, brand, patents, licences and exemptions as their successor.

- Exporting or importing every kind of commodity and dealing with buying-selling or brokerage

- Carrying out all kinds of industrial activity, establishing, operating factories and manufacturing plants or making profit by exporting facilities it has established, and creating partnerships with real and legal persons by dealing with such business.

- Performing retail sale as well as wholesale of its products or the goods it will buy from abroad or import, establishing and operating sale stores and show rooms.


E.C.A. Mobile

Elmor Dijital