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Elginkan Foundation established in 2006 'Turkish Culture Research and Technology Awards Program ‘for the purpose of assessment, encouragement and integration into the Turkish society of researches, works and services towards Turkish culture, and technology and industrial applications. This program is prepared based on first and second clauses of article 2 of the Elginkan Foundation Deed concerning the Purposes of the Foundation, which are defined as 'To search our cultural values, customs, traditions and spiritual values that raised us in our culture, and our Turkish language, support, protect, keep alive and promote researches', and 'To encourage activities in Science, Technology and Education areas'.

 Award program is carried out in below categories.

a) Turkish Culture Research Award

b) Technology Award

 Board of Management of Elginkan Foundation determines applications regarding the program in the year concerned.

Turkish Culture Research Award

It is given to researcher or researcher group, who has provided contribution to the Turkish culture and our language in real terms through unique researches and works on our cultural values, customs, traditions and spiritual values that raised us in our culture, and our Turkish language, or improvement of previous researches and works.

2013 Turkish Culture Research Award is 50.000 TL.

Technology Award

It is given to researcher or researcher group, who has provided contribution to the technology in real terms by developing new product, technique or technology based production processes.

2013 Technology Award is 50.000 TL.


Formation and Functioning of the Award Committee:

Award committees are formed for each calendar year by the Board of Management of the Elginkan Foundation. Applications are evaluated by commissions, in which representatives of our universities represented in the Board of Trustees of the Elginkan Foundation, and respectable and expert institutions and organizations of our country take part.



Applications for the award are not announced and applications files and their annexes are not returned whether or not candidates win.

The following institutions and organizations can nominate in the award program.

• Higher Institution of Atatürk Culture, Language and History (Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society),

• Turkish Academy of Sciences Committee,

• Science Academy 

• Senates, faculties, institutes and centres of universities operating in Engineering Sciences and Turkish culture and related areas,

• Public and private sector institutions and organizations operating in Engineering Sciences and Turkish culture and related areas,

• TÜBİTAK Research Groups and Execution Committees,

• Head of KOSGEB,

• Head of TTGV,

• Head of National Productivity Centre,

• Technology Development Regions Administrative Organizations,

• Related Civil Society Organizations,

The aforesaid institutions and organizations submit a file, which contains resumes, works of the candidates and their grounds for suggestion, to the Foundation Directorate together with a letter of recommendation. Suggestion file must be sent in numbers equal to the number of committee members and particularly in files, which have annexes that are hard to copy.

Foundation announces the award within May each year.  Award Committees conclude their works and submit their opinions to the Board of Management within 2 months following reception of all files. Committees evaluate the applications by taking opinions of consultants and forming sub-committees where necessary. Board of Management gives its decision regarding determination of award winners as a result of the evaluation it performs within 1 month.  Following decision of the Board of Management, winners of the awards are announced in accordance with a schedule to be determined in advance by the Board of Management. Awards of the winners are presented with a ceremony declared in advance.

Evaluation Criteria

Award committees must take the following criteria into consideration while performing their evaluations.

Turkish Culture Research Awardis given to persons or groups for their works and contributions, as given for work or project.

 1. Competence of the researcher or researcher group

2. Originality of the work

3. Scientific content of the work

4. Value of the work in terms of the Turkish culture and our language

5. Evident contribution  of input obtained as a result of work(s) (research, publishing etc.) to the Turkish culture and our language (protection, development, promotion etc. of the Turkish culture and our language)

6. Work(s) having the characteristics of reference point

7. Potential of work(s) to pave the way for new researches.

8. Transmitting and expansion of the information produced as a result of work(s) to related environment (through article, report, paper etc., and teaching, training, research, services etc.)

 Technology Awardis given to work or project.

1. Competence of the researcher or researcher group

2. Scientific content of Work/Project

3. Technological content of Work/Project

4. Innovation size of Work - Turkey

5. Innovation size of Work - Global

6. Originality of the Work/Project

7. Currency of the Work/Project

8. Work/Project being generic in terms of new product and service

9. Whether or not Work/Project has invention

10. Probability/possibility of works to transform into marketable product

11. Market success of product

E.C.A. Mobile

Elmor Dijital